2020 Award "Best Practice in Citizen Participation"
14th Edition 2020
Programme Annuel d’Investissement Communal Participatif (PAI Participatif de la ville de Sfax / Tunisie)
La Municipalité de Sfax est la structure porteuse de ce dossier de candidature, représentée par la direction de la coopération décentralisée, Ce projet consiste à établir un processus annuel de participation citoyenne afin de contribuer au développement de la ville et améliorer la relation entre le Citoyen et le conseil Municipal. Au cours de la préparation Budgétaire de l’année 2020, le conseil Municipal a réservé un montant de 2 Millions de Dinars pour les projets de proximité. Ces projets seront choisis par les citoyens durant les mois (Novembre-Décembre) et seront approuvés par le conseil Municipal à la fin de l’année.
La répartition Budgétaire de cette rubrique se fait suivant une approche participative résumée en étapes cités ci-dessous :
-Création d’une Cellule de travail nommée par décision municipale
-Préparation d’un rapport Technique et financier
-Préparation d’un plan de communication afin d’informer les citoyens à travers les différents moyens de communications tels que : les réseaux sociaux, site web, affiche, Banderoles, Flayers, Radios,…
-Réunion avec les acteurs de société Civile de la ville pour préparer un plan et un planning de travail suivant le découpage administratif de la Municipalité (10 zones) et présenter les indicateurs retenus.
-Organisation de la première réunion participative générale ayant pour thème :
*Présentation du Diagnostic financier et technique
*Les crédits alloués pour la réalisation des travaux
*Le montant des projets de proximité
*Le montant alloué pour chaque zone
-Réunions des zones ayant pour objectifs la présentation du rapport du diagnostic et les volets d’interventions : Voirie, Trottoirs, espace vert, éclairage public, aménagement des terrains de sport aux quartiers populaires
Elections des représentants des zones suivant le Genre : Homme Femme, jeune ; qui ont aussi la mission du suivi des projets
-Classement des projets suivant le type
-Sélection des projets suivant l’ordre de priorité par vote direct des citoyens de chaque zone et ceci en collaboration avec les facilitateurs, les accompagnateurs techniques et financiers
-Avoir un plan d’actions pour chaque zone en fonction du budget alloué
-Publication de la liste provisoire des projets retenus au niveau réseau sociaux
-La tenue de la 2 éme réunion générale qui a pour but la présentation du détail du PAI et ceci en présence des délégués et des citoyens
Durant ce processus, toutes les réunions avec les citoyens sont animées en parfaite collaboration entre les Facilitateurs formés à cet effet par la caisse des prêts et de Soutien des collectivités Locales et l’administration Municipale
Après la révolution Tunisienne, la Municipalité de Sfax s’est engagée (en 2015-2016) dans un projet pilote financé par la coopération allemande (GIZ) pour l’intégration d’une approche participative à travers « le Budget participatif » www.youtube.com/watch?v=jSuWHqDQAmg.
A partir du 9 Mai 2018 la loi organique relative au code des collectivités locales N°29-2018, oblige toutes les collectivités locales l’implication des citoyens à la prise des décisions à travers l’un des outils qui est le PAI participatif. Ce PAI participatif est divisé en 3 volets :
*Projets administratifs
*Projets structurants
*Projets de proximités
Avec le Programme Annuel d’Investissement Participatif ( PAIP 2019 – 2020 ) et le Budget Participatif ( BP 2015-2016 ) , la ville de Sfax à connue et pour la première fois dans son histoire une vraie participation citoyenne dans la prise de décision locale et surtout pour choisir les projets de proximité .
Notre conseil Municipal démocratiquement élu et en totale collaboration avec les acteurs actifs de la ville de Sfax avec le PAIP et cela pour fonder de nouvelles relations de confiance et de collaboration entre la Municipalité et les citoyens dans cette phase transitoire très importantes de la vie politique locale et nationale de toute la Tunisie .
The Municipality of Sfax is the structure responsible for this application, represented by the direction of decentralized cooperation, This project consists in establishing an annual citizen participation process in order to contribute to the development of the city and improve the relationship between the Citizen and City Council. During the budgetary preparation of the year 2020, the municipal council reserved an amount of 2 Million Dinars for proximity projects. These projects will be chosen by the citizens during the months (November-December) and will be approved by the Municipal Council at the end of the year.
The Budget breakdown of this section is done according to a participatory approach summarized in the steps mentioned below:
-Creation of a work cell appointed by municipal decision
-Preparation of a Technical and financial report
-Preparation of a communication plan to inform citizens through the various means of communication such as: social networks, website, poster, Banners, Flayers, Radios, ...
-Meeting with the actors of Civil society of the city to prepare a plan and a work schedule following the administrative division of the Municipality (10 zones) and present the selected indicators.
-Organization of the first general participative meeting on the theme:
* Presentation of the financial and technical diagnosis
* The appropriations allocated for carrying out the works
* The amount of proximity projects
* The amount allocated for each zone
-Meetings of zones whose objectives are the presentation of the diagnostic report and the intervention components: Roads, Sidewalks, green space, public lighting, development of sports grounds in working-class neighborhoods
Elections of gender representatives: Male Female, young; who also have the mission of monitoring projects
-Classification of projects according to type
-Selection of projects according to the order of priority by direct vote of the citizens of each zone and this in collaboration with facilitators, technical and financial assistants
-Have an action plan for each zone according to the allocated budget
-Publication of the provisional list of projects selected at the social network level
-The holding of the 2nd general meeting which aims to present the details of the PAI and this in the presence of delegates and citizens
During this process, all meetings with citizens are facilitated in perfect collaboration between the Facilitators trained for this purpose by the Loan and Support Fund of Local Communities and the Municipal Administration
After the Tunisian revolution, the Municipality of Sfax embarked (in 2015-2016) on a pilot project funded by German cooperation (GIZ) for the integration of a participatory approach through "the Participatory Budget" www.youtube .com / watch? v = jSuWHqDQAmg.
From May 9, 2018 the organic law relating to the code of local authorities N ° 29-2018, obliges all local authorities to involve citizens in decision-making through one of the tools which is the participatory PAI. This participatory PAI is divided into 3 parts:
* Administrative projects
* Structuring projects
* Proximity projects
With the Annual Participatory Investment Program (PAIP 2019 - 2020) and the Participatory Budget (BP 2015-2016), the city of Sfax has known and for the first time in its history a real citizen participation in local decision-making and especially to choose proximity projects.
Our democratically elected Municipal Council and in full collaboration with the active actors of the city of Sfax with the PAIP and this to found new relationships of trust and collaboration between the Municipality and the citizens in this very important transitional phase of local political life and all of Tunisia.
El municipio de Sfax es la estructura responsable de esta aplicación, representada por la dirección de la cooperación descentralizada. Este proyecto consiste en establecer un proceso anual de participación ciudadana para contribuir al desarrollo de la ciudad y mejorar la relación entre el ciudadano y el Consejo Municipal. Durante la preparación presupuestaria del año 2020, el consejo municipal reservó una cantidad de 2 millones de dinares para proyectos de proximidad. Estos proyectos serán elegidos por los ciudadanos durante los meses (noviembre-diciembre) y serán aprobados por el Consejo Municipal a fin de año.
El desglose del presupuesto de esta sección se realiza de acuerdo con un enfoque participativo resumido en los pasos mencionados a continuación:
-Creación de una celda de trabajo designada por decisión municipal.
-Preparación de un informe técnico y financiero.
-Preparación de un plan de comunicación para informar a los ciudadanos a través de los diversos medios de comunicación, tales como: redes sociales, sitio web, póster, pancartas, flayers, radios, ...
-Reunión con los actores de la sociedad civil de la ciudad para preparar un plan y un cronograma de trabajo siguiendo la división administrativa del Municipio (10 zonas) y presentar los indicadores seleccionados.
-Organización de la primera reunión general participativa sobre el tema:
* Presentación del diagnóstico financiero y técnico.
* Los créditos asignados para la ejecución de las obras.
* La cantidad de proyectos de proximidad
* La cantidad asignada para cada zona
-Reuniones de zonas cuyos objetivos son la presentación del informe de diagnóstico y los componentes de intervención: caminos, aceras, espacios verdes, alumbrado público, desarrollo de terrenos deportivos en barrios de clase trabajadora.
Elecciones de representantes de género: Masculino Femenino, joven; quienes también tienen la misión de monitorear proyectos
-Clasificación de proyectos según tipo
-Selección de proyectos según el orden de prioridad por voto directo de los ciudadanos de cada zona y esto en colaboración con facilitadores, asistentes técnicos y financieros.
-Tener un plan de acción para cada zona de acuerdo con el presupuesto asignado
-Publicación de la lista provisional de proyectos seleccionados a nivel de red social.
-La celebración de la segunda reunión general que tiene como objetivo presentar los detalles del PAI y esto en presencia de delegados y ciudadanos.
Durante este proceso, todas las reuniones con los ciudadanos se facilitan en perfecta colaboración entre los facilitadores capacitados para este fin por el Fondo de Préstamo y Apoyo de las Comunidades Locales y la Administración Municipal
Después de la revolución tunecina, el Municipio de Sfax se embarcó (en 2015-2016) en un proyecto piloto financiado por la cooperación alemana (GIZ) para la integración de un enfoque participativo a través del "Presupuesto Participativo" www.youtube .com / watch? v = jSuWHqDQAmg.
A partir del 9 de mayo de 2018, la ley orgánica relativa al código de autoridades locales N ° 29-2018 obliga a todas las autoridades locales a involucrar a los ciudadanos en la toma de decisiones a través de una de las herramientas que es el PAI participativo. Este PAI participativo se divide en 3 partes:
* Proyectos administrativos
* Proyectos de estructuración
* Proyectos de proximidad
Con el Programa Anual de Inversión Participativa (PAIP 2019 - 2020) y el Presupuesto Participativo (BP 2015-2016), la ciudad de Sfax ha conocido y, por primera vez en su historia, una verdadera participación ciudadana en la toma de decisiones locales y especialmente para elegir proyectos de proximidad.
Nuestro Consejo Municipal elegido democráticamente y en plena colaboración con los actores activos de la ciudad de Sfax con el PAIP y esto para encontrar nuevas relaciones de confianza y colaboración entre el Municipio y los ciudadanos en esta importante fase de transición de la vida política local. y toda Túnez.
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Conversation with Governo Regional dos Açores - Vice Presidência do Governo, Emprego e Competitividade Empresarial
Congratulations for the initiative! Can you tell us if any citizen can participate in the meetings and how does the post-citizen voting phase of projects work?
Welcome and thank you for the question
Citizens choose 3 projects in each forum, and after collecting all the proposed projects from the participants, the municipal council approves them, authorizes their implementation, and includes them in the investment program for the coming year. The facilitators of the neighborhood representatives pledge to follow up on all implementation and monitoring stages.
Thanks again for the question and good luck to you ....
Welcome and thank you for the question
Citizens choose 3 projects in each forum, and after collecting all the proposed projects from the participants, the municipal council approves them, authorizes their implementation, and includes them in the investment program for the coming year. The facilitators of the neighborhood representatives pledge to follow up on all implementation and monitoring stages.
Thanks again for the question and good luck to you ....
Welcome and thank you for the question
Citizens choose 3 projects in each forum, and after collecting all the proposed projects from the participants, the municipal council approves them, authorizes their implementation, and includes them in the investment program for the coming year. The facilitators of the neighborhood representatives pledge to follow up on all implementation and monitoring stages.
Thanks again for the question and good luck to you ....
Welcome and thank you for the question
Citizens choose 3 projects in each forum, and after collecting all the proposed projects from the participants, the municipal council approves them, authorizes their implementation, and includes them in the investment program for the coming year. The facilitators of the neighborhood representatives pledge to follow up on all implementation and monitoring stages.
Thanks again for the question and good luck to you ....
Welcome and thank you for the question
Citizens choose 3 projects in each forum, and after collecting all the proposed projects from the participants, the municipal council approves them, authorizes their implementation, and includes them in the investment program for the coming year. The facilitators of the neighborhood representatives pledge to follow up on all implementation and monitoring stages.
Thanks again for the question and good luck to you ....
Welcome and thank you for the question
Citizens choose 3 projects in each forum, and after collecting all the proposed projects from the participants, the municipal council approves them, authorizes their implementation, and includes them in the investment program for the coming year. The facilitators of the neighborhood representatives pledge to follow up on all implementation and monitoring stages.
Thanks again for the question and good luck to you ....
Welcome and thank you for the question
Citizens choose 3 projects in each forum, and after collecting all the proposed projects from the participants, the municipal council approves them, authorizes their implementation, and includes them in the investment program for the coming year. The facilitators of the neighborhood representatives pledge to follow up on all implementation and monitoring stages.
Thanks again for the question and good luck to you ....
Welcome and thank you for the question
Citizens choose 3 projects in each forum, and after collecting all the proposed projects from the participants, the municipal council approves them, authorizes their implementation, and includes them in the investment program for the coming year. The facilitators of the neighborhood representatives pledge to follow up on all implementation and monitoring stages.
Thanks again for the question and good luck to you ....
Welcome and thank you for the question
Citizens choose 3 projects in each forum, and after collecting all the proposed projects from the participants, the municipal council approves them, authorizes their implementation, and includes them in the investment program for the coming year. The facilitators of the neighborhood representatives pledge to follow up on all implementation and monitoring stages.
Thanks again for the question and good luck to you ....
Thank you for your question
In fact, after 3 legislators have been chosen in each district forum, all the projects that have been proposed from all forums are presented to the municipal council for approval and included in the programming for the year following their implementation.
And representatives of the regions continue to follow the achievement in all stages until the completion of the entire implementation.
Thank you again for your attention ...
Thank you very much for your careful explanation and good luck to you too.
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