2021 Award "Best Practice in Citizen Participation"
15th Edition 2021
Supports are subject to the following rules:
- You can support up to 5 proposals.
Youth Housing (Caldes de Montbui)
In May 2020, in the midst of the health pandemic, Caldes de Montbui Town Council initiated a participatory process to collectively define a housing building for young people. The process aimed to reflect and debate with potential users on key aspects of the future building; values, interior and exterior community uses, the functionality of the spaces, future management, access requirements, etc.
The main value of this process lies in the participatory design of public rental housing. A public housing building for young people in Caldes de Montbui in their first stage of emancipation.
The starting point is the debate on the various axes (project values, uses, space and management) is a preliminary project and a location that allows immediate action. It is a basic design that works on a qualitative and normative level, which is finally defined collectively through virtual and face-to-face sessions.
After various phases of information, debate and final consensus, the new building will be located on Avinguda de Josep Fontcuberta, in front of Romà Martí Park.
The main contributions of the participation plan are these:
- Transformation of the garden into a public space.
- The roof of the building will not be walkable, reducing its height and minimising possible nuisances.
- Incorporation of balconies so that each dwelling has outdoor spaces.
- Creation of a multi-purpose common space open to the neighbourhood.
- Incorporation of solar protection systems.
- Incorporation of greenery on the outdoor walls.
- Use of mixed structures of wood and recycled maritime containers that will be partially visible in dwellings and communal areas.
- Design of a building with a tendency towards minimum/zero energy consumption nZEB.
The final result consists of eight dwellings built with a structure of lightweight prefabricated modules that will make the work faster and more sustainable than conventional concrete systems. It is a combination of reused shipping containers joined by plywood floor slabs.
The design of the building, in terms of energy efficiency, has been carried out with the aim of achieving a building with practically zero energy consumption, thanks to the size of the windows, the insulating materials and the ventilation and air conditioning system.
The container structure is complemented by a façade made of ecological wood treated without chemical products.
The final budget for this initiative will be 745,000 euros and will start in the second half of 2021.
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Creo que es una muy buena iniciativa, ya que un municipio como Caldes de Montbui está falto de vivienda y más concretamente aquella destinada a personas jóvenes.
Es cierto que existe un grupo de vecinos que se muestra en contra del planteamiento debido principalmente a que viven en casas de alto standing y presuponen, erróneamente , que este tipo de vivienda les generará molestias e inconvenientes totalmente basados en prejuicios sociales. Está fue la opinión que plantearon durante las reuniones de decisión. La zona verde a la que hacen referencia, consististe en un pequeño terreno que no tiene las características de parque, ya que justo en frente de la calle existe una plaza de grandes dimensiones con arbolado y vegetación. Por tanto, la oposición se basa en criterios de emplazamiento o del grupo social que van a ir a vivir allí? Queda claro que el problema no es la zona verde. Si fuera así estarían horrorizados con la deforestación que sufre Can Carrerac.
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