2021 Award "Best Practice in Citizen Participation"
15th Edition 2021
Supports are subject to the following rules:
- You can support up to 5 proposals.
Moledo ConVida (Lourinhã)
This project is part of a new model of public management, based on the empowerment of a new citizenship, on the emergence of an organized and active civil society, alongside the municipality, capable of producing development and change.
The project started with a citizen who considered that it was urgent to reverse the degradation of the village space, to improve the quality of life and to settle people. This citizen was joined by other citizens, and together they drew up a sustainable development project for the village, which they presented to the municipality.
In parallel, and since there were no means in the municipality to develop what was proposed, they sought partnerships and developed the plan, always informing and discussing the process with the municipality and having its support whenever necessary.
One of the first partnerships was with the Lisbon School of Fine Arts to develop sculptures to enhance the intangible heritage of the village, which were the starting point for the requalification of the public space.
This initiative leveraged much of the requalification of the village and valorisation of the heritage.
The empowerment mechanisms included forums, actions of the theatre of the oppressed with adults, theatre with children, calls for participation at specific moments, pedagogical actions programmed with the municipality.
In parallel, the Municipality held meetings with the Citizenship Group in order to consult them about what they considered to be best for the village, in the context of the Municipality's Strategic Development Plan.
In 2020, a communication dynamic was established by the Municipality that involves quarterly meetings with the Citizens' Group and in which the Parish Council also participates, so that strategies are defined together, actions programmed and forms of mutual support.
The project continues to be developed and a public space for leisure is being re-qualified and, depending on the will of the population, and with new partnerships, there is a focus on the economic and environmental aspects, which includes rethinking agricultural production and studying the possibility of creating products with the stamp of the village and the citizenship project.
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