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I'm Otis, a full-time freelance writer and blogger in Vancouver, BC. I've been the Psychology Feature Writer for Writemypaperbro since October 1, 2016.
My degrees are in Education and Psychology from the University of Alberta, in Edmonton. I lived in Kenya, East Africa for three years, teaching middle and high school at an American school in Nairobi.
I've written four eBooks:
75 Ways to Let Go of Someone You Love - to help people let go of the past and move on with their lives. Letting go is one of the most painful things you'll ever do...but there are ways to make it easier.
80 Ways to Say "I Love You" - to help people like me, who struggle to find the right holiday, anniversary, and birthday gifts for their partners! This ebook is about more than gifts, though -- it's about saying "I love you" and building a more meaningful relationship in small, incredibly important ways every day.
75 Ways to Make (More) Money Blogging - to help writers and bloggers make money doing what they love! If you spend time and energy on your blog, you deserve to earn a few bucks for your efforts. This ebook isn't just about making money blogging, it's about building a better blog.
73 Ways to Fire Up (or Just Fire!) the Muse- to help writers and bloggers overcome fear, self-doubt, criticism, and uncertainty. After all, who wants to read age 95 and wish they had written that bestselling novel? Who wants to die with unfulfilled dreams and desires? Not me.
As a freelance writer, I've written for a wide range of publications, including Reader's Digest, Woman's Day, MSN Health, Natural Health, Spirituality & Health, and sometimes More. I also enjoy writing for organizations such as BC Women's Hospital and Health Match BC.
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